The hurtles facing children in Japan

Editor’s note: You really have to feel sorry for children born in Japan and raised here in such archaic educational institutions still based on late 1800s Prussia. It is becoming worse as it is being reported over 300,000 children in the larger Tokyo area refuse to go to school. Honestly, when you really stop and consider what is in store for children born in Japan today, why the fuck even bother bringing children into Japan only to subject them to what is going on here. Imagine bringing two children into Japan as parents and the only fate your children have is to work at MacDonalds as tax slaves for most of their adult lives? Then attend schools where the only education that goes on teaches children to become obedient Japanese where they must conform above all else? Now there is concern children are being sexually abused in Japan which until was not very well known. It was bad enough children were brutalized during the globally faked Covid scamdemic with masks forced on children.

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